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Fun Mom Status in 15 Minutes

Have you ever scrolled instagram at the end of the day seeing all the fun things other moms are doing with their kids wishing you were a “fun mom”? First let me remind you that instagram is a highlight of peoples lives and often all you are seeing is the 15 minutes of fun they had that day, and you aren’t seeing all the hard or messy things going on. That said… let’s help you find your fun mom status in 15 minutes a day!

Every day carve out 15 minutes to do something “fun”. Put away the homework, put down your phone, and do something fun with your kids. Where to start? That’s where we come in.

Over here at Adventures in the US, we believe that “At home adventures” are just as important as our “Travel adventures” An at home adventure doesn’t have to be anything crazy, expensive, or time consuming. Boiled down, at home adventures are the things you do with your kids that give them your undivided attention. Because this is so important to us we have dedicated a monthly article to “FUN MOM STATUS ACTIVITIES” just for you. These can be done in 15 minutes with little to no prep. Ready to become a fun mom?

Fun Mom Status for moms with young kids

  • Have a silly face war. Sit down across from each other and make faces while trying not to laugh. Whoever holds out the longest wins. At our house it’s not long before we are all cracking up. Since it is March mix it up and make some Leprechaun silly faces!
  • Build with legos. This is an easy go to. Decide on a theme and start building. Build something together, or make it a competition to build something at the same time. Set the timer and when 15 minutes is up you both stop and show each other what you made.
  • Make slime together. (Most items you will have at home, but check the recipe the day before in case you need anything. We have found that some contact solutions work instead of boric acid. Pinterest has lots of different recipes, but we have linked a couple fun St. Patricks Day ones here and here.
  • Build an epic fort. Remember the days of building blanket forts as a kid? Getting to make a fort with mom will take it to the next level. We have a “fort supplies bin” at our house because… this is a go to of ours. It includes clothes pins, flashlights, rope, suction cups, and clamps. Then we grab blankets and sheets from the linen closet and the rest is left up to our imagination.
  • Cloud search. Save this one for a nice day – it requires nothing. You go outside with your kids and sit and look at the clouds. Everyone sees how many objects, or animals they can find in the cloud shapes. If you want to take it up a notch bring a pen and paper so everyone can draw the clouds. 15 minutes and a whole lotta imagination fun.

Fun Mom Status for moms with teens

  • Make Something out of duct tape. This will end up being just as much fun for you as it is for them! We saved a bunch of fun ideas for you here!
  • Have them teach you a Tik Tok dance. You don’t have to post it if you don’t want to, but you will probably get bonus points if you do. There are so many fun ones out there I am sure you can find one that is a fun fit for you.
  • Teach them a new card game. This is so simple yet something that they will love. Go to your game closet and pull out your favorite, or even game that is new to both of you.
  • Make ice cream sundaes. Pro tip… do this at a time that is not typical for eating ice cream and make it really fun. Ice cream for breakfast? Mid day ice cream break. See who can think of the yummiest, non traditional topping in your house.
  • Complete a crossword puzzle. If you are like me and have a competitive streak in you make it a competition. Not competitive? Work on it together and have fun!

Looking for more ideas? Follow us over at @adventuresintheus as we post new ideas each week. Look for our “Fun Mom” highlight!

Have ideas? Send them our way, if you want to be featured, tag us @adventuresintheus and use the #funmomstatus

February 17, 2022

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  1. Cheryl BURGESS says:

    I’m a nana taking care of my 7 yr old grandson. At this time he is wanting to do a dozen things but none that I suggest. Then he’s bored. We have lots of things to do, but his favorite is working in the yard, taking old appliances apart and making things with scrapes of wood.
    Having more ideas and pictures to see what others are doing will be helpful. Thanks to everyone sending info.

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