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Create a Jungle Cruise Adventure in Your Own Backyard

Spring Break in Utah can be busy so we decided to make our own fun at home. I took the theme of Disney’s Jungle Cruise, ran with it, and it made for a really fun adventure.

We watched the movie the night before our adventure so everyone had it fresh in their mind. The next morning we had a jungle-themed breakfast and had lunch laid out for the kids to pack up to take on our adventure.

Some of our favorites were fruit trees, a snake sandwich, tiger tails, Jungle Juice (you can find the Disney park copy cat recipe HERE), pineapple crocodile, and tiger pancakes!

After breakfast, we pulled out the map, scavenger hunt, and the first clue!

Once our backpacks were loaded with our lunches, snacks, binoculars, butterfly nets, and other jungle necessities, we headed out on our adventure. The kids looked at the map and helped us figure out where we needed to go.

Our first stop was down by the river where the kids had to find 10 river rocks and stack them as high as they could. They also found their first item on the scavenger hunt: the arrowhead! (I made the arrowhead out of salt dough and a pink jewel that I shaped it around.)

Once we left, we headed to 10 more destinations finding clues, completing tasks, and having a whole lot of fun!

If you want to follow along with all of our fun and all the stops we made, follow along in the story highlight “Jungle Cruise” on Instagram!

The ending was by far the best part! We got to the “Tears of the Moon”, they cracked open the arrowhead and found the jewel in time to light up the tree. (200 balloon lights hot glued to flowers the night before and hung in the tree).

It was magical, it was fun, and we never traveled more than 15 minutes from home. Remember you can create adventures at home just as easily as you can create them on vacation.

What are your spring break plans?

April 21, 2022

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