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*Enter to Win* Our Favorite Items for Camping

I love camping… in our travel trailer. Gwendolyn likes to rough it in a regular tent. But no matter what, we both have our favorite gear that gets packed every time we go, and we’re sharing our favorites with you here (along with an awesome chance to win some of them!)

Wolf’em Sticks

Wolf’Em Sticks – We got our first Wolf’Em Sticks last summer and they really took our s’mores game up to the next level! In addition to hotdogs and marshmallows, you can create one bite biscuits that are amazing! We bought biscuit dough and covered the rounded end of the stick to cook and create a cup-shaped biscuit that you can fill with anything you want! Our favorite things to add inside are chocolate, nutella, marshmallows and berries! They have lots of free recipes on their website with both sweet and savory options!

KEEP>GOING First Aid GoKit

Whether we are faced with a bee sting, scraped knee, nosebleed, or find a tick on one of us, we are always prepared because GoKits go with us everywhere. Packed with 130 items to help with all the bumps and bruises that go along with being active outdoors, we couldn’t be happier with this brand. Not only do they make it easy for former Girl Scouts like me to be prepared, but they really have thought of everything to include – even fun stickers to make the littlest campers, well, a happy camper!

MPOWERD®️ Luci®️ 2.0 Outdoor Lights

There are 3 big reasons why I love these lights. They are solar-powered, and waterproof, and they have 4 modes: Low, Medium, High, and Flashing. We’ve put it outside to illuminate our path when we came back to our campsite at night, have taken it with us to walk our dog when it’s dark, and sat it on the picnic table to illuminate our game of Uno. And they are lightweight & collapsable, so when we’re not using them, they don’t take up much space at all. Perfect for our camper, where space is always at a premium!

Also they are offering 40% off all orders over $60 on their site right now, if you use the code MEM40.


When we go camping, we love to play games, and I especially love this game because it’s easy to set up, all ages can play it, and we’ve played it at our campsite, in our backyard, and on the beach. The idea of the game is to roll your discs to get them as close to the goal as you can. We’ve had people stop and watch us, and then join in for a round or a game. Our campsite is always where we let the good times roll!

Cooler Bags

We always take big coolers with us, but my cooler bag is my go-to for hikes and kids’ snacks. I like to have it on hand to grab things quickly instead of digging through the big coolers. They aren’t heavy which is a huge win for me, and I love being able to carry it easily if we are walking somewhere.

Shampoo Dispenser

This is one of the “must-haves” if you own an RV with a bathroom. Instead of having various bottles and bars of soap, this dispenser hangs on the wall of our shower. The one we have has 3 compartments, so we can easily have shampoo, conditioner and body wash all at the touch of a button. They even come with handy labels, so the whole family knows which is which. And with the easily removable lid, filling it up is a breeze, too.

Command Hooks

Another RV must-have, I use these for everything! We have one by each bed with mini-flashlights, so each of us can find our way if we need to get up at night. I also have one in the main living area where I hang our fly-swatter, and inside a cabinet door where I hang plastic bags. I keep extras with us at all times, too, because new uses pop up all the time. I’ve even heard of people using them underneath the upper cabinets to hang coffee mugs, but I haven’t done that… yet!

Bubble Wands

If you have kids, these are a must! I always bring a bunch and the kids love playing with them. I love the wands because if they spill they haven’t spilled a whole container, it’s just a wand full. They are easy for kids to carry in their hands, and they can take them hiking or even just around the campsite. We bring enough for adults and kids because they are a hit with everyone!

*We were provided with products for the purpose of our review, but all opinions are our own.

Now the part you’ve been waiting for: your chance to win!

Our giveaway has a prize value of over $130 and includes:

To enter, just complete the form below by May 31. We’ll be contacting the winner on or after June 1, 2022.

May 19, 2022

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