Helping you find your next adventure!

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Join the Reading Public Museum for an exciting toddler STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) program. Explore a variety of STEAM topics while having fun at The Museum with your little beaker buddy. Each week, explore a new topic that combines science and art activities.  Program runs 9:30–11am. Pricing includes Museum admission, activities, and snack for […]

Smith Memorial Playground, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaThe mission of Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse is to provide and promote opportunities for unstructured free play for children. Located in East Fairmount Park, it has been a treasured destination for more than 100 years. Their Black History Month exhibit, Leaders and Legends of North Philadelphia, will celebrate their opening […]

Adventures await in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where their motto is “Geared for Fun”. No matter what kind of adventure you’re looking for, you are sure to find it in Bowling Green. National Corvette Museum – The museum, a non-profit organization, opened in 1993 as a way to educate the public about the corvette and preserve […]

Ever since I first watched the movie “Iron Will,” I have wanted a few Siberian Huskies of my own and a whole lot of snow. Dog sledding looks like tons of fun, and I just discovered that there are actually places in the US where you can try out this sport! New England Dogsledding, Maine […]

While it’s not the same as seeing these places in person, it’s still pretty awesome that we can see great places without leaving home. The plus? You can stay in your pajamas! Visit a new place each day, and pretty soon, you’ll really feel like you are traveling across the great state of Pennsylvania. Asbury […]

Winter is my least favorite season. I’m just not a fan of the cold and the snow. I know, I live in the wrong area of the country to feel that way, right? My husband and kids like the snow, though, and since he grew up outside Pittsburgh, he is more accustomed to larger amounts […]